Tierra del Fuego King Penguin tours. Join us on this unique itinerary to discover the magnificent and awe-inspiring King Penguins of Tierra del Fuego. This tour is suitable for nature enthusiasts as well wildlife photographers of all levels of skills.
Among wildlife, few groups call our attention as much as birds, and among birds, few families are as attractive and command such interest as penguins. The King Penguin is the second largest species of penguin after the Emperor, and certainly one of the most colourful and attractive members of the group. Not many places in the world offer good access and chances to see them in the wild, making this, the only continental American breeding colony, a very special one indeed. By joining our penguin photo journey, you will be able to see these magnificent seabirds in their natural habitat and learn about their natural history from our specialized guide. The journey starts at Punta Arenas, the capital of the Magallanes province, one of the southernmost cities in the world and gateway to the mythical Tierra del Fuego Island. From here we take a 15-minute flight across the Straits of Magellan to Porvenir and then drive along the beautiful coast of Tierra del Fuego to Bahía Inútil (Useless Bay) and the mouth of Marazzi River, where the colony is located.
Up to date, the colony is over a hundred strong and expected to keep growing. The King Penguin colony on Useless Bay, Tierra del Fuego, seems to be doing well so far into the autumn, with more than fifteen wooly brown healthy chicks that in many cases have already reached the stature of their parents, and seem to be well-grown. The non-breeding penguins have gathered in a nearby group some 20 meters further inland.
Our trips have a maximum of 5-6 participants and we follow a strict protocol regarding proximity and potential disturbance, essential to keep the impact on the small colony that we visit to a minimum.
Interested to learn more of about of King penguin colony of Tierra del Fuego? Read our blog post.
Read the full program details. Click here.Tierra del Fuego King Penguin tours