Atlantic Odyssey Wildlife Cruise. This is truly a unique seafaring expedition, a fantastic exploration of the Southern Ocean and some of its more formidably seabird-rich islands: South Georgia, Gough and Tristan da Cunha. Enjoying the company of Far South Expeditions co-Founder and Chilean ornithologist/author Claudio F. Vidal (for the 2025 cruise), we will explore and discover the nutrient rich waters of the Antarctic and Sub-antarctic to look for a wealth of rare tubenoses and penguins as well as seldom-seen cetaceans.
South Georgia will deliver a great sample of Antarctic seabirds including delicate Light-mantled Sooties, Wanderers, prions and Blue Petrels. Heading north, we will explore some of world’s most remote islands, including Gough and Tristan da Cunha for its Northern Rockhopper penguin and Yellow-nosed Albatross rookeries.
Join Claudio on their quest for the world’s rarest seabirds, learn first-hand from him and share his passion for marine birding on the boat trip of a lifetime. atlantic odyssey wildlife cruise