Finally, after a long process that took more than ten years and countless hours of research, field work, processing of data, writing and drawing, our new field guide to the birds of Chile, Birds of Chile, Offshore Islands and Antarctic Peninsula, has been finally published, and we couldn’t be more proud to present it to the public, especially on the year of our 20th anniversary.
This book is a living testimony to the decades of hard field work of the authors and a couple of generations of Chilean ornithologists, many of whom have never been properly acknowledged, and represents a major achievement and contribution to the Ornithology and the state of the knowledge of the Birds of Chile and South America.
It will be the most complete field guide to the birds of the country up to this date, incorporating recent records and observations, the newest taxonomic guidelines and arrangement, updated distribution maps and beautiful and descriptive plates, all in a field-friendly format that we hope will be a good birdwatching companion as well as a useful reference book at home.